This week’s reading was about
service learning, a project that we’re required to do for this class. While I
was reading In the Service of What?
by Kahne and Westheimer, I found it inspiring to learn how widely spread service
learning is in our educational systems in America. Keeping this in mind, I
became curious about how everyone else’s service learning projects are going,
what other kinds of these projects exist, and what everyone was learning from
the various experiences. I read
everyone’s blogs to see if anyone answered my questions, and I thought that Jaclyn’s Blog had a really thoughtful
post this week!

I thought Jaclyn’s take on the concept of service learning was really interesting, and it made me think about my own experiences with volunteering and my own concept of otherness and what it means to serve the community. Jaclyn mentioned the scenario in the article about the middle class students volunteering in a poor neighborhood, who were surprised to discover that the people there were welcoming and friendly. Reading about her experience, I found that mine were similar because I also experienced the effects of otherness in my project. Providence is often stigmatized as a “bad neighborhood,” where many families are poor, giving most people the impression that crime rate is high. There is also a fear that stems from race, and I was fed these fears from society before I began volunteering, and had the misconception that I would be unsafe. Now in my service learning project, I am seeing that the students I work with aren’t at all like the negative stereotype. They are all very smart and friendly, and I love working with them each week. It was only this “otherness” that gave me false expectations, and I only proved them wrong through experience.
What I loved
most about Jaclyn’s post was the quote she included from the article: “Maybe
this [community service] is what citizenship is all about, acting in a decent
way towards people who live where we live”(8). I think this does a fantastic
job of summing everything up into something we can all take away from service
learning. By serving our community, we have the
opportunity to learn from the people we meet, learn to respect them, and
overall, become a better citizen.
Jaclyn for an awesome post! J
Hi Julie! You did such an awesome job working off of Jaclyn's post. It was cool to see your take on her ideas! Nice job.
ReplyDeleteHey Julie, Thank you for the comment. You did a fine job here too, working with Jackie's ideas. It was interesting to hear how everyone's (almost everyone's) service work is going. I look forward to hearing more.